While the immigration of already professionally qualified workers in the IT sector is generally possible without problems because the corporate culture and the respective industry language are very similar internationally - English is predominantly spoken there or programming and software programmes are worked with in English - the immigration of skilled workers who have received their professional qualification in their home countries is very often more difficult if there are considerable differences in the respective training paths and training contents there and in Germany. This is usually the case if the professions learned in Germany with dual professional training are practised in the third countries after completing a university degree. Since the foreign professional training or qualifications for very many professions are regulated in Germany and must be recognised by the competent authority here, training differences arise in this context which must first be eliminated by means of a preparation for recognition, namely further training in the area which is described in more detail in the so-called deficiency notice which is issued very frequently.
In addition, in a number of professions, for example in the nursing sector, great importance is attached to appropriate language qualifications. Although there is a considerable shortage of skilled workers, especially in hospitals in Germany, they are sometimes reluctant to hire foreign skilled workers because there is often not enough qualified German staff available for the necessary training and, in some cases, the language requirements are not met despite the presentation of appropriate language certificates.
In this respect, it is indeed a worthwhile alternative to acquire one's professional training in Germany. There are legal framework conditions for this and an appropriate visa is required. Further requirements:
Language skills at level B 1
School-leaving certificate
Training contract
Approval from the Federal Employment Agency
Health insurance and living expenses
Order title for training purposes
Successful completion of professional training is associated with a number of legal privileges that were previously reserved for graduates of German universities: in particular, graduates of professional training in Germany can also be granted a settlement permit, i.e. an unlimited residence permit, after 4 years.
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